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About Language:

Korean is a unique language with its own alphabet and writing system, spoken by about 80 million people in Korea, China, the US, and Japan.

Welcome to the Korean Language Program (KLP). Whether you are new to Korean language study or an advanced speaker, The VIRSA Academy has a class for you! We currently offer nine levels of study ranging from Beginning Korean I to Advanced Reading and Discussion. And our intermediate and advanced levels offer conversation courses that provide greater speaking practice. See full course descriptions below!

New in 2023 Our program recently went through some changes this year, and we are happy to announce that our classes will be running on a 4-term system with our Winter, Spring, and Fall terms running for 10 weeks and our Summer term 8 weeks. These changes allow you to take more Korean classes throughout the year with smaller breaks in between terms! We are also currently working on rolling out new textbooks and more classes per level to better increase your language learning experience.

Schedule: Overall, our language classes are a great way to learn Korean.

Students: Our classes are geared toward adult learners, college students, or professionals who are 18 years of age or older at the time of the first class.

Additional Opportunities: The Academy offers activities during the term for our language students at no additional cost. For example, we offer a bi-monthly K-chat for students who want extra speaking practice. For our intermediate and advanced learners, we host a Dialogue session that focuses on a significant current topic. Dialogue discussions are conducted entirely in Korean and moderated by a language instructor. You will receive further information about these opportunities after the beginning of the term.

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